History of ABOMA
ABOMA Over the Years
The idea to form an organization which would represent the growing rental residential multi-family building industry in Chicago was first developed when a few owners of fire proof apartment buildings in Chicago met informally on April 11, 1935 at the Knickerbocker Hotel. Following this initial informal meeting, several additional meetings were held becoming more formal in nature and indentifying areas of common interest that an “association of apartments” could effectively address for the mutual benefit of the owners, renters and the City of Chicago.
The Association, was organized on December 10, 1935, at the Union League Club as result of a seven month study made by leaders in the industry who sensed the necessity for such a group which could function in the interest of apartment buildings and managers in Chicago”
In the following months By-Laws were drafted with the stated purpose of the Association to facilitate the interchange of ideas in the design, construction, management, operation and maintenance of apartment buildings; to render advice and assistance to its members with respect to personnel matters; to engage in collective bargaining on behalf of those member buildings which have designated the Association as its bargaining representative; to consider and act with reference to legislation, taxation and other public matters of interest to building managers and owners; to oppose actions which may be detrimental to the interests of building managers and owners; and to promote the welfare and interests of the members of the Association and the industry by all lawful means.
The basis of Membership being the “physical” residential building with representation by two individuals who, manage, own or represent ownership. The Annual Membership Dues of $50 per furnished elevator building, $40 per unfurnished elevator building and $15 per Walk-up building were established.
February 11, 1936 the Apartment Building Owners and Managers Association of Chicago was incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois with eleven directors named. The original Directors were: Louis C. Sudler; John L. Cochran; Oliver S. Turner; Thomas J. Fleming; Newton C. Farr; C. K. Hunter; Edward Lindahl; Archibald Jennings; Gardner Brown; V.M. Welsh and A. C. Hamilton.
1st Annual Meeting
Friday, April 23, 1937 in the Rose Room of Great Northern Hotel the members gathered for the First Annual Meeting. The first elected ABOMA officers were: President Louis C. Sudler (Sudler and Company); 1st Vice President John L. Cochran (Cochran & McCluer, Co.); 2nd Vice President Oliver S. Turner (Baird & Warner); 3rd Vice President Thomas J. Fleming (Ross & Brown) and Treasurer Glen C. McBride.
Two milestone actions were taken at the meeting:
First Lease Form
A new lease form for industry use was approved. Over time this initial lease has been modified, updated and transformed into the ABOMA Form C Unfurnished Condominium Lease specifically designed to meet the City of Chicago of Chicago Tenant and Landlord ordinance. This Lease has become the “standard” for use in condominium unit rentals.
First Collective Bargaining Agreement
The Association and Elevator Operators and Starters Union Local 66 agreed to enter into a Labor Agreement covering employees in Member Buildings, thus began the 76 years of ABOMA negotiating industry wide collective bargaining agreements. A keystone of the very first agreement was the “favored employer” clause which protected ABOMA Members from more beneficial independent contracts. This keystone clause is still include in all ABOMA Collective Bargaining Agreements.
Over time this important membership privilege has expanded to included 4 separated contracts with SEIU Local 1 covering janitorial employees in both High Rise and Walk –Up Residential Buildings, Door & Receiving Room Employees and with Teamsters Local 727 Garage Employees. Participation in the ABOMA Collective Bargaining Agreements is only available to Member Buildings.
Many initial member buildings have been replaced with modern structures. However, it is noteworthy that: *3300 Lake Shore Drive Building Corporation, 209 Lake Shore Drive Building Corporation, 1320 North State Street, 1530 North State Parkway, 1500 Lake Shore Drive and 232 East Walton Place became members in 1937—and have continued membership for 76 years!
Today ABOMA has over 600 Buildings in Membership. Rental, condominium and co-operative buildings alike. ABOMA’s member buildings contain over 400,000 units with some 600,000 owners and residents.
The ABOMA By-Laws were amended increasing the number of Directors to 21 and the name changed to the Apartment Building Owners and Managers Association of Illinois in order to expand the association’s service area.
ABOMA added as new classification of membership “Supplier Members”. Organizations who provide goods and services to the Multi Family Residential Industry. The number of supplier members was set to not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the number of building members. The four original members in 1992 were Central Building and Preservation, L.P., Clarence Davids & Co., Titan Security Services, Inc. and Universal Laundries, LLC who have supported ABOMA through membership for the past 21 years. Today ABOMA has 71 Supplier Members, all listed in this publication.
ABOMA/SEIU Training Center Established
ABOMA jointly with SEUI Local 1 indentified the need for implementation of continuing education for building staff. As a result of this meeting of the minds the ABOMA SEIU Local 1 Training Fund and facility was established. It was first funded by Federal and Union grants. Today funding for the training program is derived from both grants and employer contributions. Training is available to both janitorial and door staff employees with some courses including building management personnel.
Investment as an ABOMA Building Member entitles you to participate in Association Labor Agreements, Programs, Events and Functions. Membership also provides access to ABOMA Supplier Members, other owners, building managers and building management operational tools.
As established in 1937, the basis for Building Membership in the association is a “physical” residential building whether it is condominium, cooperative or rental in nature. Each member building is entitled to two (2) representatives, a primary representative and an alternate representative who act on behalf of the building. Only Building Members may be part and party to the Labor Contracts negotiated by the Association.
The Association objectives continue to be:
· To facilitate the exchange of ideas regarding the design, construction, management, operations, and maintenance of high rise residential buildings;
· To render advice and assistance to its members with respect to personnel matters;
· To engage in collective bargaining on behalf of member buildings which have designated the Association as its bargaining representative;
· To consider and act with reference to legislation, taxation, and other public matters of interest to building managers and owners;
· To oppose actions which may be detrimental to the interests of building managers and owners;
· To promote the welfare and interest of the members of the Association and industry by all lawful means.
Industry Labor Agreements
It is important to note that participation in ABOMA labor agreements is available at no cost to ABOMA Members. Non-members cannot participate and must deal alone and directly with each union. All ABOMA Labor Agreements include a “favored employer” clause (which means that non-members and those buildings who deal direct with the union are not be able to get a more favorable contact with out the Union offering it to all ABOMA Members).
Arbitration Process
An Arbitration Process to assist members in settling labor disputes is included in all ABOMA Labor Agreements. ABOMA provides and administers the Arbitration process at no cost to Members.
ABOMA maintains and administers 4 separate labor Agreements
SEIU Local 1 – Building Services Division
Three year contract – December 1, 2011 through November 30, 2014– covering janitorial employees in high rise residential Buildings.
Three year contract – December 1, 2009 through November 30, 2012 – covering doormen and receiving room employees in high-rise residential buildings.
Three year contract – December 1, 2011 through November 30, 2014– covering janitorial employees in walk-up residential Buildings.
Teamsters Local 727
Five year contract – November 1, 2011 through October 31, 2016 covering parking garage employees in high rise residential buildings.
ABOMA Building Management Tools
ABOMA Condominium Lease Forms
The ABOMA Form C Unfurnished Condominium Unit lease form, which is specifically designed for leasing unfurnished residential condominium units and meets all the requirements of the City of Chicago Landlord – Tenant Ordinance is another benefit of membership and is offer at a discounted price to members This Lease form is the “standard” for many member buildings and is widely recognized as “THE” lease form for use in condominium unit rentals.
Employee Attendance and Disciplinary Records
This valuable management tool is available from the ABOMA Office. Through the use of this form – Which is Keyed to the ABOMA Labor Agreements – a permanent record of daily attendance with monthly/annual summaries, wage scales, eligibility for time off, supplies issued and disciplinary action can be maintained for each building employee. The form has been designed for easy use. It is printed on both sides in light green ink on card stock and is punched to fit a standard three ring binder.
ABOMA CBA’S and Publications
These electronic publications can be downloaded from the ABOMA web site at www.aboma.com in Adobe Acrobat format are “searchable” by key words and contain:
· ABOMA/SEIU Local 1 Doormen Agreement 12/1/2013-12/30/2016
· ABOMA/SEIU Local 1 High Rise Janitorial Agreement 2011-2014
· ABOMA/SEIU Local 1 Walk Up Janitorial Agreement 2011-2014
· ABOMA/TEAMSTERS Local 727 Parking Garage Labor Agreement 2011-2016
· Key Issues in Hiring-Disciplining-Terminating Employees
· Substance Abuse Policy and Guidelines
Both authored by ABOMA Labor Counsel—Steve Adelman, Locke Lord, LLP
ABOMA’s Website provides current information on programs, labor agreements, employee training, supplier members, “feed back” & comment section and acts as your “gateway” for making reservations for ABOMA Programs and Events.